
Freddie Mac real estate loan portfolio grows

Freddie Mac’s total mortgage portfolio grew at annual rate of 2.8 percent in November, the company reported today. Its retained portfolio decreased at an annualized rate of 6 percent last month.

Freddie Mac is a government-chartered corporation owned by shareholders. The company buys mortgages, repackages them and sells some to investors and also retains a portion. This helps maintain liquidity in the nation’s mortgage markets.

Other highlights from the mortgage buyer’s November volume summary include:

  • Retained portfolio purchases increased to $18.8 billion in November, from $14.9 billion in October.

  • Retained portfolio mortgage purchase agreements, net were $7.7 billion in November, down from $14.1 billion in October.

  • Total PCs and Structured Securities Issued decreased at an annualized rate of 0.4 percent in November.

  • Structured securitizations were $18.5 billion in November, relatively unchanged from October.

  • Single-family non-credit enhanced delinquency rate was 24 basis points in October, up from 23 basis points from the prior month.

  • Portfolio market value sensitivity averaged 2 percent in November, unchanged from October; Freddie Mac’s duration gap was zero months in November, unchanged from October.


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