
Real estate site lets users choose the news

A new real estate news site,, allows its users to submit stories and vote for the top headlines.

“Think about it like this: Instead of a team of newspaper editors dictating what are the most interesting stories you should read, you and your fellow users submit and vote upon stories — whether from newspapers, blogs or elsewhere — to form a sort-of frontpage of real estate reading for that particular day,” according to a Web site description.

The news site, modeled after Digg and Reddit, was created by the founders of, a site that allows consumers to rate and review real estate agents and to view current sales and past sales associated with the agents.

Registration is required for users to submit stories and vote on news. The site includes a headline, link and short excerpt for each news story, as well as a tally for the number of votes and a button that allows users to click to vote for the story.

The news items can be sorted by popularity (number of votes) and timeliness (added to the site most recently), and users can view popular topics.