
John L. Scott CEO carries company legacy

J. Lennox Scott, the third-generation Scott family chief of John L. Scott Real Estate in the Pacific Northwest, heads up the brokerage company, which has offices throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Scott began his real estate career in 1976 and now serves as chairman and CEO. He helped guide the company to success and has a 25-year history of affiliation with the National Association of Realtors, serving on its Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and in other capacities.

John L. Scott Real Estate was named an Inman News Innovator Award finalist in the brokerage category for 2007. Winners will be announced at Real Estate Connect in San Francisco, July 31-Aug. 3. Scott will speak during a general session panel at the event this summer.

Here are his answers to a set of questions posed by Inman News:

What was your first job?

My first job was when I was 8 years old — I went around my neighborhood and sold pumpkins for 5 cents a piece. I also painted “for sale” signs for my grandfather and helped maintain the grounds around his sales offices. One of my favorite jobs as a young boy was selling game-day newspapers at the University of Washington Husky games (my future alma mater). I’d take the money I earned and buy a ticket to the game.

What’s it like to be running the family business?

It’s a blessing to have this opportunity. I’m very proud of the legacy that my family has in the real estate industry.

What’s been your biggest challenge in running the business?

Keeping up with all the changes in this business. But on the same note, this is an incredibly exciting time to be in real estate because of the impact that these changes are having on our business (i.e., technology).

If you had one thing to do over again, what would it be?

I would’ve invested even more in commercial property.

What style of home do you live in and when did you buy it?

The home is a waterfront Mediterranean and was built in 1995.

What worries keep you awake at night?

I can’t name specifics, but I do have a pad of paper and pen next to my bed so that when I’m awoken with new ideas about the business, I can jot them down.

Describe your dream home.

It would probably incorporate elements of the Microsoft “Home of the Future” where everything is run on a virtual platform.

What lesson did you learn in the last year?

We learned how important it is to continue to implement new technologies at Internet speed.

What would your second career choice be?

Full-time philanthropist.

What kind of music do you listen to?

U2, No Doubt, and most country music.

Who is your hero?

My Dad, W. Lennox Scott.

Hear Scott speak at Real Estate Connect in San Francisco, July 31- Aug. 3. The conference program and registration are available online via the Connect Web site.