
Realtor learns you get out what you put in

Kevin Tomlinson is a Realtor in Miami who created and writes the South Beach Condos Blog.

Tomlinson is an agent with EWM Realtors, a brokerage company that has built a company-wide blogging system for agents.

Tomlinson will speak at the Internet Marketing Workshop at Real Estate Connect in San Francisco, July 23-25, 2008.

He answered a set of questions posed by Inman News:

What do you see happening in the real estate market in 2008?


What advice do you have to help real estate agents and brokers get through this market?

You only get out what you put in.

What was your first job?

Bar-back at a nightclub when I was 14.

What made you get into real estate?

I was bored and a friend was going to real estate school and I said, "What the hell, I’m bored."

What’s been your biggest challenge in running the business?

Implementing systems and finding qualified people to work for me.

If you had one thing to do over again in your life, what would it be?

Move to New York City.

What style of home do you live in and when did you buy it?

Penthouse; four years ago.

What worries keep you awake at night?

Running out of sleeping pills.

What lesson did you learn in the last year?

Don’t run out of sleeping pills.

What would your second career choice be?

Nightclub owner.

What kind of music do you listen to?

House music.

Who is your hero?

Carrie Bradshaw. Um, I mean Sister Teresa — yeah, Sister T. — I’m big on her.

Hear Tomlinson speak at Real Estate Connect in San Francisco, July 23-25, 2008. The conference program and registration are available online via the Connect Web site.


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