
Foreclosure market can represent opportunity, liability

Editor’s note: The following is a collection of reader’s comments found on

Agents between ‘rock and a hard place’ with REO listing agreements
Lenders stick agents with REO liabilities
"Anybody who has handled a foreclosure knows the listing agreements are completely one-sided. But in this market, the agents and brokers have no choice but to sign them as they exist or forego the revenue stream that foreclosures represent. The banks will not give you the listings unless you sign the agreement.

"Try to change it and they will give the listings to someone else. And there are plenty of other agents more than willing to sign anything no matter how one-sided it is or how much of a liability it could become.

"And in some markets where foreclosures represent 50 percent or more of the marketplace, choosing not to list foreclosures could be financially devastating. Once again, agents are stuck between a rock and a hard place. The rock being the bank and the hard place being ourselves."
–Tony Arko

Meaningful conversations lead to contacts and closings
Ending the cycle of ‘Realtor-on-Realtor action’
"As agents, we have learned so much from engaging with these anonymous contributors — I can’t even tell you. They all bring unique perspectives, expertise and original thought to the conversation, and they have truly helped us to see the market for what it really is. They also keep us honest. If we make a mistake, they will call us on the carpet without hesitation.

"Because of the level of transparency that we practice, along with our willingness to listen to and consider opposing viewpoints, our blog has become (a) trusted source online for information about local real estate.

"Do these people call us for help buying or selling their properties? Sometimes, but more often they send their friends, family and colleagues to us, their comments add to our SEO (search-engine optimization) arsenal, and their participation adds a huge amount of credibility to our blog.

"In essence, we are no longer just a blog, but a real community centered around the topic of local real estate.

"Meaningful conversations with real people about real estate are what lead to contacts and closings. Conversing online through a blog is just another way to engage the consumer. The (blog) generates real business for our team, and the bonus for everyone who participates is that we all become smarter in the process."
Diane Cohn

Go mobile with property information
Getting listings noticed: something old, something new
"Photos online are very important, and we do have to remember that a (National Association of Realtors) study last year found that the third top place where consumers found their home was via yard sign. Well, if they are standing in front of a home, and most people carry their cell phones, then why not make information and pictures available to them while they are standing there? It’s a value-add not only to the consumer, but to the agent as well. Consumers are taking the first step in finding out which properties they like, and by agents providing the information they want AT the property, agents are providing them a great service that meets their needs … better service improves (the) chance of turning a consumer into a customer. And it brings attention to the listing — we can’t complain about that!"
Erika Beede

Use new technology if it benefits you … or don’t use it at all
Marketing homes is all about images
"What would be really nice is if the average agent could just learn to take a decent photo … forget about video! I was looking at properties for a buyer the other day and I was appalled by the poor quality of photos! Anyway, I am with you on the video marketing and just for the reason you give: "because we can doesn’t mean we should." There is a lot of technology available to us Realtors and as a result I see a lot of low quality advertising because people don’t do it well. Sure, YouTube videos Google fabulously and drive site traffic, but I have seen some REALLY BAD videos. If you are going to use technology to "enhance" your business, make sure to learn to use it right. If you can’t, don’t do it at all. After all, the primary goal we’re working toward is not selling us or our agency — it’s selling a house with these tools. And if you can’t even do that right the other two things are unlikely to occur."
–Mindy Allen

Legacy brand gets technology injection
Better Homes and Gardens gets real estate makeover
"This is a legacy brand with some high intrinsic value on day one of the launch. It will be very interesting to see how Sherry Chris’ team pulls that legacy together with technology of a new era in real estate."
Brian Columbus

Information compiled by Daniel Rothamel, Inman Community Manager


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