
The future of finance

Editor’s note: The following is a member comment posted in the Inman Community group topic, "Another September to Remember – Not 911 but 908":

"One has to start thinking along the lines if so many financial institutions are being acquired by one or more larger financial institutions can these large financial institutions absorb the losses from this point forward?

Large corporations are supposed to have the resources to be efficient and create productivity; however, as we see from the real estate market (especially with potential short sales) are there any efficiencies or productivity enhancements? Some of the larger financial institutions are doing a miserable job in dealing with the current situation regarding a potential sale.

I suspect we are going to see more unstability with the financial institutions — BofA does call for a watchful eye.

What drives the housing market is partially consumer confidence — what is today’s consumer confidence? The investments of consumers are at risk and they will look for a safe haven; watch federal securities and savings accounts (FDIC-insured) increase." — Glenn Ginsburg


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