
Generate leads online: farm on Twitter

Lead generation using social media and other "nontraditional" sources continues to be a hot topic among agents and brokers. There is a HUGE opportunity for Realtors to start "farming" (targeting a specific audience) online.

If I were an agent, there are a few things I would do ASAP to kick-start my lead generation using Twitter:

1. Take your Twitter campaign seriously. If you were to start a direct-mail farming campaign today, how long would it take you to see results? One year? Two years? The same is true for social media. You must be committed to the process to see results. Still not convinced Twitter can make you money? Check out what Dell has done!

2. Search for the type of clients you want to work with. Check out DemandStop — this Web site helps agents farm Twitter for local leads. Find locals based on location and keyword relevancy (house hunting, apartments, rent, condos, etc.). You can search your location and connect with real people looking for real estate in real time. Another option is to check out the Advanced Search function on Twitter. Search keywords, hashtags, specific words — all within a certain geographic area.

3. Put energy into conversations.

  • Re-tweet comments of interest. Why? The obvious reason is that you like the info and feel it is worth repeating. The not-so-obvious reason is that when you re-tweet it shows people you reciprocate. Others will start to re-tweet your posts. The re-tweet is PARAMOUNT to your success on Twitter. When you post something it goes to your 200 or so followers. What if five of those people re-tweeted it? And then another 10 re-tweeted it again? Your audience and potential leads grow exponentially. …CONTINUED

  • Respond to all mentions and messages. See who has mentioned you and thank them — every day! Respond to direct messages (DMs). Send a quick "thank you" DM to anyone who follows you (but do not send them a slimy spam message!)
  • Share your lifestyle –  be personal, be real. People want to connect with real PEOPLE!

4. Treat Twitter like drip marketing. Tweet about what you are working on: working with new clients, building your referral network, interesting industry info, local market stats that link back to your site or blog (Altos Research is a great option for this.) Plan your tweets out — just like drip marketing using SocialOomph or Hootsuite.

5. Add your Twitter handle to everything with your name on it. Wherever you have your phone number, add your Twitter handle: e-mail signatures, Facebook page, Web site, blog, listing materials, business cards, and more!

Looking for more info?  Check out Tom Ferry’s video talking about this very subject at Connect NYC. You do have to be a premium member to watch, but this video alone is worth the price!

Click here to view the original blog post.

Katie Lance is the marketing manager for Inman News. Future of Real Estate Marketing is a part of Inman News.


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