
5 secrets to writing a blog post in 15 minutes

Let’s face it — we are busy! We know we want to blog, we need to blog, we see the benefits of blogging, but sometimes it can feel like the process can take forever!

Here is a quick and simple method to write a blog post in 15 minutes:

Have an ongoing topic list. When inspiration hits you, write it down. I will often e-mail myself when I think of an idea. Try to always have 10 to 15 ideas on your list. Use Google Docs to create a free document that you can add to at anytime. You can access it anywhere since it is "in the cloud!"

Write a quick outline. My favorite is to keep my blog posts to three, five or seven points. I like posts that are quick and succinct. Once you make your list, edit. See what isn’t as important and get rid of it.

Now add a couple of sentences about each point. I recommend sticking to 800-1,000 words per blog post. Keep your post short and to the point — remember, your reader’s attention span is getting shorter every day.

Google your topic. This is one of my favorite tips. Simply Google your topic and check out five to six articles — just peruse them. This will get your creative writing juices flowing. Remember not to copy anyone’s blog posts, but quoting or linking to other sources is great!

Don’t pretend to be an expert if you are not. Very few people in this world are experts and just that term will turn off many of your Gen X and Gen Y audience. Instead, give your opinion and reasons why that is your opinion. Ask for feedback to start the conversation.

Proofread. Never post a blog without reading it. I prefer to read it out loud. There is something about reading out loud that will help you catch your errors. If you have someone nearby, let them read it quickly — getting a second set of eyes can be helpful.

Always know what your must-haves are for each blog post. Everyone has a different style, but there are must-haves each blogger likes to have. Personally, I always set aside three to five minutes to add an interesting image.

If there is something you like to have in each blog post — like your signature or contact info — save it in a Microsoft Word document to easily copy and paste it into each post.

So that’s it! This blog post took me about 10 minutes — I’m taking the next five to proofread and then VOILA!

1. 5 Elements to a Successful Real Estate Agent Blog

2. 25 Killer Resources: Blog Content for Realtors

Do you have tips to writing great blog posts? Let me know — leave me a comment here!

Click here to view the original blog post.

Katie Lance is the marketing manager for Inman News. Future of Real Estate Marketing is a part of Inman News.


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