
A creative response to a tweet

Have you ever tweeted something about a brand, a restaurant, a company and wondered, "Is anyone reading this?"

I know I have! I am always secretly waiting to be impressed by someone from "corporate" who sees my tweet about the bad service I had or my recent food craving. If this happened to me, I would be very impressed!

In fact, just recently, I praised my local mall, Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton, Calif., for having parking for expectant mothers. Shortly after, I received a nice tweet back. I was impressed.

Below is a great example of someone monitoring and managing their brand via social media.

Just about everyone is familiar with Wheat Thins crackes, so to do something outside the box and fun they responded to this tweet:

The company’s response? It delivered a pallet of Wheat Thins to her house! This one video below has generated over 200,000 hits to its website!

What was Wheat Thins’ response? See below:

"Wheat Thins’ problem is, if anything, over-familiarity. The reverse of the awareness problem. It’s available everywhere and it’s been around forever. But there is a lot of love for the brand on Twitter. … (W)e had the idea of searching Twitter to see what, if anything, (Twitter users) were saying about Wheat Thins. We were stunned to find hundreds of unprovoked declarations of undying love for the brand. Some were just slavish: ‘I love Wheat Thins so much i would die for them.’ Some were more witty.

"As anyone who tweets regularly knows, the one thing you DON’T expect is for your random tossed-off utterances to have any consequences. That’s the ONE THING you can be certain of. Until now that is!"

So what are people saying about you and your brand?

Are you monitoring this daily or throughout the day with Google Alerts, Facebook and Twitter?

I guarantee most people and brands on social media are not.

Those who manage their brand relentlessly — THOSE are the ones who will gain raving fans AND fans who will transact with you!

Take note, real estate agents and brokers. Manage your brand — even if YOU are not on those social networks, your clients are!

Would love your feedback about this! Leave me a comment below.

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