
Uscapeit: Your very own Google Street View


I have a fondness for my iPhone. I know many of you feel the same. Waking up and checking Twitter, email and the like with one eye open is typically the way I start my day. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one, but the data we are seeing coming from the mobile space tells us otherwise. It actually tells us that there has never been a more rapid technology platform shift, ever.

So if I love my phone, and you love your phone, we need to concede that there is a decent chance that today’s tech-savvy buyers and sellers love their phones as well! Today, we start with something simple to execute that’s sure to impress.

Uscapeit wants to become the Google Street View for the masses. They have created a must-download iPhone-only app (for now). Their inspiration seems to have come from Google. For those of you who are not aware, Google actually sent cars up and down every street in the U.S. and took 360-degree images that they layered into their mapping systems.

Uscapeit wants you to be able to do the same from anywhere, anytime — including, of course, a home you are trying to market!

Read the complete article at Future of Real Estate Marketing.