
How to manage your time so you’re not just working hard, you’re working effectively

As co-founder and CEO of Nestio, developer of a real-time listings management system that enables a property managers to display listings on public-facing website and disseminate them to brokers, Caren Maio has learned some valuable lessons on how to manage her time so that she’s not only working hard, but working effectively.

“Prioritizing is big for me, making sure in the morning that I have my list of things to do, Maio says. “I know what takes priority … and I get through that stuff first.”

While certain requests that bubble up through the day, whether they are client requests or some urgent issue or need, obviously need attention, Maio says it’s important to carve out times for never-ending tasks like social media.

“I tell my agent friends, maybe carve out five minutes in the morning. You’re doing some light reading on the train? Share something that’s interesting to you.”

When staying in touch with co-workers, colleagues and clients, Maio advises to communicate as often as possible, but stick to the necessities. Talk about what you need to talk about, and move on.