
How real estate brokerages can generate great ideas and foster innovation

Edward Berenbaum, Susanna Murphy, and Jonathan Aizen at Connect New York City 2014.

Why does it seem that innovation in the real estate industry is often dreamed up by outsiders, instead of brokers themselves? Some innovative brokers discuss how they have fostered change, and why brokers shouldn’t be expected to shoulder the burden alone. From left to right, moderator Joseph Rand, general counsel and managing partner, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Rand Realty; Edward Berenbaum, president and CMO, Century 21 Redwood Realty; Susana Murphy, founder and CEO, ALANTE Real Estate; and Jonathan Aizen, co-founder, Closing Time.

Expect more great insights July 16-18 at Real Estate Connect San Francisco. Check out featured speakers and the event agenda online.