
What if Hitler wanted you to sell his house for its ‘Zestimated’ worth?

If you’re a listing agent, you’ve probably dealt with a lot of demanding sellers. But what would it be like to sell Hitler’s house? Now imagine that Zillow has left der Führer a wildly inflated idea about what his home is worth.

The scenario is expertly mined in the video above, which touches on just about every nuance of the real estate transaction.

One of the newer “Downfall” parody videos to hit the Internet over the years, it’s suspiciously professional. The fun comes mostly at Zillow’s expense, and real estate agents seem to be the intended audience. It’s the first and only video posted to date by a new YouTube user, “Lighter Side of Real Estate,” last week.

Leave your guesses below about who might have the motivation — and chutzpah — to string these laughs together.