
How to make your newbie real estate Twitter account look pro


If you’re new to Twitter, don’t let it overwhelm you! It’s a lot simpler than you may think. Here’s an easy guide to getting started on Twitter, including some guidelines on how to get your account looking like a professional put it together in no time!

Setting up your account:

1. Make sure your Twitter profile has the same branding as your website. Choose the same colors, logos and images. Consistent imagery allows for a much stronger and less confusing brand experience.

2. Since user attention span on Twitter is very short, your bio should start with information about what you will provide and end with who you are. The goal is to capture attention instantly. Example: “Follow us for compelling news about New York City, interior design and real estate. We’re a full-service boutique real estate brokerage in NYC.”


1. Follow only reputable accounts that are relevant to your brand (popular local blogs, high-quality news sources, colleagues and so on).

2. You want your number of followers to be higher than the number of people you are following. Aim for a high ratio of followers to following. This will make you look like an influencer. (And influencers are Twitter pros.)


1. Don’t worry too much about curating followers. If you have good content, followers will come naturally.

2. Promote your Twitter profile on your website, email signature and business card. That should help get the ball rolling with followers.


1. Keep your tweets between 70 and 100 characters in length. Studies show this length gets the most engagement. If someone retweets you (shares your tweet on their Twitter feed), it leaves enough room for them to make their own comments.

2. Include one or two hashtags. Research shows this will increase your engagement by 21 percent. More than two hashtags decreases engagement by an average of 17 percent.

3. Never use a tweet to sell or promote a new listing you have. Instead, share a unique aspect of the property. This encourages conversation. Social media is for socializing, not selling!

Bad tweet: “Come check out my new listing at 542 Sycamore Street. I have an open house this Sunday at 2pm! Only $599,000!”

Good tweet: “The oak floors in this NYC home accent the decor beautifully! #realestate #interiordesign” (include picture)

4. Tweet about more than your listings. Think about what is important to your followers. Maybe it’s community news and finance. Be sure to focus on those aspects just as much as your listings.


1. Engage in conversation as often as you can. Have you ever had a friend who talks only about himself? Don’t be that friend on Twitter! Retweeting, replying and starting conversations is crucial to showing you care about the community.

If you follow these guidelines and stay consistent, you’re guaranteed to look like a pro. We followed these exact principals to boost one of our newbie clients from 40 followers to 672 in a little over a month. Great form leads to great results!

Mark Wilson is a social media strategist at Mystro.

Email Mark Wilson.