
A crazy simple approach to creating wonderful real estate content

The word is out that content marketing is an effective way of attracting and nurturing customers. Let’s say you’ve already broken ground on your blog. You’ve written and published several blog posts about topics you’ve always wanted to tackle. You’ve even started building an audience of dedicated readers. Then, it hits you: writer’s block.

Suddenly, all of your new blog post ideas seem lackluster — or, worse, you can’t think of anything at all to write about. To top it all off, you’ve used all the ideas you had stored up, and your content calendar for the coming week is empty. What will you do?

For many bloggers, this first bout of writer’s block is the start of a downward spiral that starts with missing one or two posts and ends with abandoning their blog after just a few months. Many people cite coming up with post ideas as one of the hardest parts of blogging. But it doesn’t have to be. By knowing the possibilities and establishing a backlog of topics to draw from, you can minimize headaches and ensure that writer’s block doesn’t ruin your blog.


If you’ve spent time thinking about your audience and sorting them into personas, then you’ve already done a lot of work toward generating blog post ideas. Here’s how you can translate that thinking into blog content:

Real estate blog post types

Now that you have a list of questions and pain points from your customers, you can begin to translate them into actual blog posts. Although there’s certainly no “right way” to write a real estate blog post, there are a few proven formats and approaches. Here’s a partial list:

These are just a few ideas for real estate blog posts — the possibilities really are endless. For more inspiration, check out my post on the Real Estate Marketing Academy: 101 Amazing Blog Post Ideas for Your Real Estate Website.

Seth Price has spent 20 years as a digital marketer, consulting for more than 300 companies during that period, including 19 of the Fortune 500. He’s the host of the Craft of Marketing Podcast and serves as VP of marketing at Placester, the fastest-growing real estate website provider in the U.S. Seth is dedicated to providing social media and content marketing advice and counsel to the tens of thousands of real estate professionals and brands that he serves. You can find more about Seth on his blog or at

Email Seth Price.