
Cut out the ‘noise’ and improve your brokerage

There’s so much noise in our business. Zillow and Trulia are taking over. National brands are coming in with their supposed all-encompassing tools and systems. Dozens of tech companies are selling “stuff” that we might or might not need. And agents don’t want to embrace all the investments you are making to improve operations.

As a broker trying to grow and profit from your business, how do you navigate through all this and cut down the noise? Let’s break down that noise into something manageable. Consider these scenarios and solutions to cutting the noise.

You own a brokerage, and you’re trying to make a profit

You own a brokerage, and you’re trying to reinvent your business and stay ahead of emerging trends

You own a brokerage, and you’re trying to reinvent your business and get agent buy-in

Too often, I see brokers reacting to a crisis. Why not be proactive and eliminate potential problems? If you’re going to cut successfully through all the noise, you need to plan ahead.

Step back and analyze what is going on in the industry and what is the best way for you and your firm to address the issues you’re facing. What works in one market might not work in another. What works for one size or type of company might not work for another.

What works best for you, your agents and your business in your market? That’s what you have to determine if you’re going to gain control of your business and make a difference.

What noise plagues your business, and how have you overcome it? Please continue the conversation in the comments section below.

Jose Perez is the founder of PCMS Consulting.

Email Jose Perez.