
Archilogic’s 3-D home of the week

Today’s model is a little different. It’s not a luxury residence fit for a king, but a modest apartment for a typical citizen. What is unique about this model isn’t the apartment it shows, but rather it’s the way that it’s made.

As you can see, it grows directly out of the floor plan. The information that was in the plan you can now explore in the model. Archilogic’s model-making process is uniquely scalable. They’re not photo-bubbles, but rather 2-D diagrams converted into semantic 3-D environments, so they’re interactive and made without site visits or cameras. That’s why they’re increasingly popular with European real estate portals.

You can easily upload your floor plan to Archilogic and try this out for yourself. You can move furniture around, make virtual tours, change the direction of the light and redesign your pad from the inside out.

Archilogic is a Swiss Internet startup that specializes in intelligently generated 3-D interior models. We’re working together to see how our technical insights can help change the way that real estate is bought, sold and understood.

Email Adam Smith.