
Online portal serves as marketing bridge for referral partners

Andrei Seleznev /

Serving as a bridge between real estate professionals and their mortgage lending partners, Vantage Production LLC has added new capabilities to its VIP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, an automated marketing and sales solution for professionals engaged in marketing service agreements.

The enhancement, called the Referral Partner Center, is geared toward mortgage loan originators who need to create co-branded automated marketing and content with their real estate partners.

According to Vantage Production, it gives loan originators an online portal through which they can share client loan status updates and implement co-branded marketing.

The center allows referral partners to check the transaction status of all loans they have referred to the lender via desktop, laptop and mobile devices. It also allows the partners to upload logos, photos, contact information and other items used in marketing collateral, provides co-branded materials for open houses and tracks the effectiveness of co-branded marketing efforts.

“Loan officers want help developing and maintaining high-performing referral relationships, and we know how essential these partnerships are to our lenders’ successes,” said Vantage Production CEO and President Sue Woodard.

“VIP’s Referral Partner Center makes growing these critical relationships far easier by enabling loan originators to give their referral partners an automated way to send their clients great marketing content and messages. Lenders benefit from significant increases in loan closings, as well as complete control over messaging for compliance.”

Established in 2003 as Mortgage Success Source, Vantage Production’s mission is to respond to the dramatic structural and regulatory changes in the real estate, mortgage finance and settlement services industries.

The company says that to date, its automated marketing content, sales and market advisory solutions have helped nearly 300 lenders and “tens of thousands” of loan originators succeed in a competitive environment.

Email Amy Swinderman.