
Floored 3-D model of the week

Enclave on Eighth

Floored’s interactive 3-D model for Taylor Morrison’s latest Scottsdale, Arizona, community highlights the pueblo-style architecture of the homes, the openness of shared living spaces and views to the surrounding Sonoran Desert.

Taylor Morrison showcases a complete residence in fully interactive 3-D, rather than relying on traditional 2-D renderings to tell the story of shared spaces, thoughtful room adjacencies, high ceilings and flow through the home. Using Floored allows the developer to showcase the homes during presale while fully staged with digital furniture and long before actual construction.

View residence in Floored Fully Interactive 3-D (modern computers and browsers)
View residence in Floored Lite (older computers, browsers, and mobile devices & tablets)

David Gull is VP of architecture and client services at Floored Inc., a company that creates interactive 3-D models for real estate.

Email David Gull.