
5 ways you might be suffering from unfulfilled potential

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There’s a terrible affliction that affects agents of all levels of experience. It knows no boundaries, and impacts newbies, seasoned veterans, men, women, the rich and the not yet rich.

It can leave agents feeling frustrated, lethargic, stressed out, resentful and restless. What’s this horrible ailment? Unfulfilled potential.

Are you suffering from unfulfilled potential?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you might be suffering from unfulfilled potential. Potential is defined as a latent and underdeveloped power that has not yet come to pass.

It’s using all of your talents, knowledge and skills to improve your life and the lives of others.

If you haven’t reached your full potential, it could be because something is holding you back. These barriers typically fall into one of these five categories:

1. You’re afraid of failure or success

Although many people are afraid to fail, more are afraid to succeed. Both fear and success mean risk, but they also mean change.

Do you think that success or failure will change you or change the way people treat you? If you risk nothing, you’ll achieving nothing. Make an effort to face your fears.

2. Your beliefs are limiting your potential

It takes as much energy to worry as it does to believe in yourself. If you haven’t done something before, it’s easy to think that it can’t be done. Although it might be difficult to go beyond your limits, you have to have enough faith in yourself to give it a try. Take the leap and amaze yourself.

3. You don’t have goals

Goals give you a target to shoot for. They help you focus on what’s important so that you can drown out the other noise that distracts you from your business and success. Create SMART goals that allow you to tap into your potential and help your business thrive.

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4. Your habits or routines are terrible

If you want to know why you haven’t reached your potential, take a look at your daily habits.

How you spend your day is a reflection of your potential for achieving success. Do you prioritize your day or do you fret about your to-do list? Do you spend your time generating leads or does social media occupy most of your time? Analyze your habits and find ways to make your day more productive.

5. You’re isolated

If you’re like the majority of real estate agents, you work from home. Although it has many benefits, it can make you feel disconnected from other professionals and the industry.

No person is an island. Attend local networking events, take training classes, and register for events and seminars. Whatever you do, get social and connect with other professionals and your clients.

Are you ready to reach your full potential? We have a great resource for you. Refer to it often to remind you to tap into your full potential, and live the good life.

Brian Buffini is the chairman and founder of Buffini & Company. You can follow Brian and Buffini & Company on Facebook.

Email Brian Buffini.