
Podcast: What is the No. 1 must-have quality of top agents?

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The best agents are the ones who are the most responsive to their clients’ needs — and to truly understand what those needs are, you need to listen!

That may take a bit of work, because as a human quality, listening is something that a lot of us don’t do very well — we spend more time framing a reply in our heads than we do considering what was just said.

Quit “thinking over” what someone else is saying to you and actually digest what you’re hearing, and you may find that your response is quite different. As a real estate professional, your ability to gauge the needs of buyers and sellers is important — but don’t let that overwhelm your skills at closely and carefully taking in all of the “wants, needs and must-haves” that your prospects and clients bring to you.

Being a great listener doesn’t always mean that you’ll agree with everything that you hear. Sometimes client requests are odd, naive or just plain tasteless. However, even if a request or preference seems impractical, the fact that you listened and responded to them sets you apart from the real estate pack!


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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.