
How to be successful and enjoy what you do

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I have been involved in the real estate industry for more than 10 years in a variety of markets. Starting as a salesperson, I did over 100 transactions my first year before moving into development and, ultimately, marketing.

Through the years, I have seen agents come and go because, let’s face it, real estate is not for everyone.

A career in real estate means waking up each day and putting your best out there — sometimes with significant return and sometimes without.

Some deals you walk away from thinking, “that was too easy,” and others you figure you would make more flipping burgers. Am I right? It can be frustrating, annoying and even nonsensical at times, but there is one thing I learned early in my career that can make it just a bit more bearable.

Respect your time.

When agents first get into the business, they tend to be so hungry that they will sacrifice most other things to meet with a client. They will skip events with friends, dates and other activities if they think they can make a deal.

Although this shows an aggressive attitude, I don’t think it wins out in the end. You have to respect your time and make sure that your clients do as well.

Respecting your time means saying “no” once in a while and working with your client when it is convenient and appropriate for both of you.

Let me tell you a secret: It’s OK not to answer your phone at 11 p.m.

Agents get so wrapped up in trying to be available 24/7 that they forget about the reasons they got into the business to begin with.

Your clients will be OK if you respond to their email the next day. Or if you are at dinner and don’t take their call. Respect your time.

Doing this will set you on the path to having financial success and enjoying what you do each day.

Gregory Kiep is the director of marketing at Charlesgate Realty. You can find out more about him at or follow him on Linkedin orFacebook.

Email Gregory Kiep.