
Halloween costumes for real estate agents

Daniel Schweinert /

If you’re in a rush to get a costume for your Halloween party this weekend — no worries; The Broke Agent has come through in a clutch with this list of ensembles for the occasion.

Of course, your non-real estate friends might not get it, but that’s on them.

1. A buyer

Show up to the party and “phantom peace.” Leave without telling anybody and completely out of nowhere. This is also called “ghosting.”

But, before you leave, make a promise to the host that you are coming back with more alcohol. Also, make sure you never talk to the host again, and then turn off your phone.

2. Phil Dunphy

He is in “Modern Family.” I have never seen it, but I know he is a Realtor and people talk about it. Also, I know that Sofia Vergara (pictured below) is on “Modern Family.” I just saw her in “Chef.” She’s a smoke show.

“Chef” is a feel-good movie that I highly recommend watching on the night your buyer decides to move to Hong Kong and list with your cousin.

3. ‘Men in Black’ cockroach

You can play this off as a building inspector. Similar looks, right?

4. Psychiatrist

You basically are one, anyway. Just dress up as yourself.

5. The annoying title rep

Dress up in a generic suit, and hand out a bunch of useless note pads and calendars to everyone at the Halloween party. Make sure to talk to people when they are already in the middle of a conversation. Interrupt as many people as you can in order to stay in character.

6. Wear a lot of hats

Get it? Because real estate agents “wear a lot of different hats.” (Insert your laughter here.)

7. Gary Keller

Wear a sick mustache, and carry that book around all evening.

Reposted with permission from The Broke Agent.

Wes Pinkston and Eric Simon are the guys behind The Broke Agent.

Email The Broke Agent.