
How soon will you see marketing results?

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This isn’t always the case, but by the time many agents, brokerage firms or builders decide to hire a marketing firm, they aren’t hitting their financial goals, and their revenues have started to wane.

At this stage of the game, they’ve usually gone into panic mode because they’re tired of waiting for a miracle and they feel trapped.

The more time that passes, the more far-fetched the possibility of getting a great marketing strategy becomes. Not only because it requires investing a substantial amount of money but also because patience is running out.

Marketing takes time. Therefore, it must be allowed to run its course. If you start to panic after a couple of months and decide to abandon your marketing strategy to invest in a quick fix, you’ll soon discover that you’ve wasted your money and that the results are not sustainable. This is a very common mistake.

How long does it take to see marketing results?

Marketing isn’t the quick solution to shift your business revenue. The best time to invest in your marketing is preemptively.

If you notice that you are losing market share, that your competition has stepped up their game or your industry has become more competitive — take action. Taking measures in advance means feeling less of the impact as the months pass.

If you’re actively monitoring your market, you’ll know when it’s time to change your current marketing strategy. Keep in mind that it takes six to nine months to see the total impact of a new marketing strategy.

The lesson is: Don’t stop marketing. It takes time to start it back up, and the results are best when you keep it going.

So what yields the fastest results? The answer is: It depends.

Every tactic produces its unique results. Other factors that affect the length of time are:

  1. Consistency
  2. Commitment
  3. Budget

If you opened up a Facebook account but aren’t posting regularly, you can’t expect to see any results. Now, if you are always posting, and the content is relevant, you should see new outcomes in four to six months.

Although the rule of thumb is between six and nine months, every situation is different. The more money and time invested, the quicker the results.

I struggle with this a bit as the owner of a marketing agency because clients want results yesterday. But good marketing takes time; it requires careful planning and solid execution.

If you’ve hired a marketing agency and it has been two months, don’t give up. Keep on pushing.

As long as you have a professional team by your side, you will see results. Don’t forget that patience is a virtue.

Laura Ure is the CEO of Keenability, a marketing agency specializing in lifestyle marketing that targets the affluent buyer. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

Email Laura Ure.