
FotoJet makes quick work of creating sharp marketing content

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FotoJet is web-based graphic design and social media post creation software.

Platform(s): Browser-agnostic; mobile responsive
Ideal for: Agency marketing teams; agents wanting a fast, simple visual marketing tool

Top selling points:

  • Automatically integrates all fonts native to your computer
  • No sign-up or account needed
  • Ease of use; photo collages and social media posts created in minutes

Things to consider:

There’s nothing fun about using this on your smartphone. It’s fine on a tablet, but it’s not optimized for phone browsers.

Full review

FotoJet is very similar to Canva.

Very similar.

I find FotoJet to be faster and immediately more intuitive. However, it’s not as comprehensive.

But for agents who want to make their property fliers, social media posts and business collateral pieces look better, FotoJet is faster and easier.

The software offers users an array of photo collage categories, including Modern, Classic and Family. Any of these can be used to build an appealing collection of listing photos.

I find FotoJet to be faster and immediately more intuitive than Canva.

The same top-level, icon-based navigation gives you choices for imagery designed for all common social networks, as well as a selection of themed photo cards (birthdays, most holidays, thank-you cards, etc.). If you think your clients are okay with e-cards, go nuts. As most agents know, a hand-written note for special occasions carries substantially more weight.

Creating your social media post or collage is a relative no-brainer. Reading nary a tutorial, I created a collage in about five minutes after typing in “”

Uploading your own images requires very few clicks. You can pull art from your computer or Facebook albums.

For text, users can chose between FotoJet’s fonts or your own. I was impressed by how smoothly the software located and displayed the font styles found on my MacBook.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

FotoJet’s included clipart and icon collection is inferior to Canva’s. Fine. No one should ever being using clipart, anyway.

However, FotoJet’s text insertion and editing tools are superior. This software feels lighter than its competitor, it doesn’t lag when rendering your images or when inserting even high-res images.

FotoJet doesn’t provide users hosted space to which they can save files for editing later. Instead, artwork can be downloaded or shared directly from the canvas. File size and type options are prominently displayed and overlap with common usage scenarios.

Efficiency is king here. The Auto-Fill option will insert all uploaded images into the template you’re using in a single click. It’s that easy.

FotoJet isn’t world-beating, nor does it promise you more commissions, but it does make marketing easy. Any agency with centralized marketing support should at least play around with this tool for a bit. It can serve as an ideal accessory to higher-end, on-premise design applications.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.