
Podcast: Your daily minimum standards for superstar success (Part 2)

A typical Realtor earns about $40,000 per year, but many of the superstar agents we interview on the radio earn 10 times that and often much, more more.

That’s a substantial income gap — so where’s it come from? What’s the secret that the nation’s top-producing agents use to put them so far ahead of the average?

Today, we’re continuing our discussion of daily minimum standards — that laundry list of action items that you need to be doing every single day to ensure that you have a steady stream of new business coming in the door. We call this “doing the things you don’t want to do, when you don’t want to do it, at the highest level possible.”

You may not relish all these tasks, but your future self will certainly thank you for completing them!

As we get closer to the holidays, it’s especially important that you stay on top of your daily minimum standards – because what you do today determines the size of your checks at the start of 2016. It’s easy to slack off now with all the upcoming holiday distractions, but if you cave on your minimum standards, you’ll be feeling it at the start of the new year.


Subscribe to Tim and Julie Harris’ podcast on iTunes. To learn about the topics we discussed in today’s show, schedule a call with us.

Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.