
Podcast: Why big thinking leads to bigger success in real estate (Part 1)

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Your mindset determines your success in your life and career — it started for you at a young age, when you began making positive choices to direct you towards the education, training, and career path that eventually led you into real estate. If you didn’t value success, you wouldn’t be here — but at the same time, for many agents it’s easy to get distracted along the way.

Today, we’re discussing the power of thinking big. Yes, it’s an overused, nearly passe topic in self-help books — but the reason it’s overused is because it’s so critically important to your success.

You need to set the bar high, stay focused on achieving your goals — and most importantly, you need to continue raising that bar for yourself over time or else you’ll end up in a career plateau that threatens to derail your success.

It’s nearly 2016 — making this a great time to start thinking big about how you can achieve real estate success in the new year. Whatever you believe, you can achieve — but it takes a desire and willingness to get their, and practical goals and plans for how you’ll achieve it.

Learn about “The Magic Of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz, mentioned in today’s episode.


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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.