
GlobalWolf adds Web design and lead generation to Lone Wolf platform

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GlobalWolf is the website design and lead generation component of Lone Wolf Real Estate Technologies’ real estate software platform.

Platform(s): Browser-based; responsive design
Ideal for: Larger brokerages and teams already familiar with Lone Wolf products

Things to consider

GlobalWolf offers visually appealing and functional websites, but agents who solely need a new website should seek other options due to the component’s optimization for other Lone Wolf products.

Full review

It’s important for agents to be involved with the design of their website, which is what GlobalWolf encourages.

It’s too easy to remove yourself from the design and concept phases of your site’s development because so many off-the-shelf products and service providers encourage the practice as a way to make website design more affordable.

GlobalWolf offers its MATE (Marketing And Technology Experts) team to customers as an alternative to “website-in-a-day” type vendors.

It’s too critical to be rushed.

As the design comes together, MATE also teaches agents how to meld lead generation and management with customer-facing design tactics.

Naturally, this is where an existing Lone Wolf customer would most benefit, as the company has a bevy of tools that allow brokers and agents to oversee all facets of their business.

GlobalWolf does use a series of templates, however. It’s not custom programming.

Still, a template doesn’t have be boring, and that’s why it’s crucial for agents to remain involved.

Social media accounts can be connected and leveraged, as can local IDX feeds and home search registrations.

Agents can choose to require the latter after a number of lookups or let it remain open to the public, like a portal.

Those who register via any call-to-action are dropped into WolfConnect, the company’s lead management and assignment product.

Brokers can steer leads accordingly and apply a number of rules and standards as to how they’re handled by agents.

Once the MATE team hands off the site, it can be edited by an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Pages are easily pulled around to create a new navigation structure and text is edited by a common WYSIWYG interface.

I like the number of Web forms that can be created in GlobalWolf. There are several ready-to-go options designed based on their front-facing call to action.

I like the number of Web forms that can be created in GlobalWolf.

Forms can be assigned to a “more information” request — relocating buyers, appointment requests and employment inquiries.

Too often websites fail because a call-to-action isn’t corresponding with the content or because it lands in an “info@yourcompany” inbox for which nobody takes accountability.

GlobalWolf also incorporates email campaigns as leads filter in, which are driven by WolfConnect.

Overall, a GlobalWolf site will respond to your level of involvement, as well as all devices out there.

The design examples I’ve seen reflect that, with some appearing modern and original and others notably uninspired.

To be clear: That’s not on the folks at Lone Wolf.

Brokers and agents need to take ownership of their online image and marketing efforts, which means finding and directing a capable technology partner. The team members at Lone Wolf more than meet that requirement.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.