
Podcast: Your ultimate holiday objection handlers

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Let’s face it: the next couple of weeks are going to be a chaotic mess for real estate agents — we’ve got five days left until Christmas, followed a week later by New Year’s.

The holidays are wonderful, but for agents they’re also challenging: your prospects and clients have lots of parties and engagements, and planning for the annual celebrations is distracting and saps work motivation. Why work now when you can hold out until January?

For agents, your January sales have already started — with commissions typically 60 to 90 days out, taking two weeks off right now means losing your momentum and ultimately valuable income in February and March. It’s tempting to ditch work completely right now, but it will undermine the start of your New Year!

You can, and you definitely should keep pushing forward during the holidays, and in today’s podcast we’re going to make that easier for you with holiday objection handlers to overcome any objection on Christmas and New Year’s. Make this holiday season a joyful — and highly profitable — time of thanks and celebration, as you celebrate more deals closed and more dollars in the bank!


Subscribe to Tim and Julie Harris’ podcast on iTunes. To learn about the topics we discussed in today’s show, schedule a call with us.

Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.