
Evernote is a great CRM for agents to maintain strong relationships

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2016 is lining up to be the best year ever. Today we have the ability to plan, manage and sync our lives while on the go. As a Realtor, productivity is our no. 1 objective. And so is building our sphere of influence. 

There are thousands of productivity tools on the market but, I’ve fallen in love with Evernote and I use it daily to manage my business, my family, my goals, write books, scan business cards and present information.

Evernote is marketed as a productivity tool however, I use it as my initial CRM and follow-up system, virtual office file cabinet and business collaboration tool. While flying to the 2015 Realtors Conference and Expo, I set up a note titled “#NARAnnual 2015, it was a pleasure to meet you,” to be emailed to anyone I meet at the conference.

The message needs to be informative yet generic. I wanted to ensure that you knew we met at the conference, something about me, my unique selling proposition, the benefit to you for connecting with me, and how to connect with me in the future.

The follow-up message also includes a link to the copy of my presentations from the conference.

If you desire for other agents you meet to send you referrals, make sure you ask for them.

Through the third party tool-Zapier, I can connect my CRM account to my Evernote account and each new note will create a contact in my CRM.  I only collect business cards from people who want to hear from me.

In addition, to receiving a follow-up note about the conference everyone also receives an email campaign comprised of three emails over 14 days.

Because I took a picture of the business card with, I’m instructed to conduct the following steps:

  1. Connect with the person on LinkedIn (provided the email on the business card is associated with a LinkedIn account).
  2. Save the contact to my Google Contacts.
  3. Save the contact information with a photo of the business card as an Evernote Note.

Viola! I now have the Realtor’s information stored as a contact in three places and I’ve asked the Realtor to connect with me on LinkedIn.

I no longer carry an ample supply of business cards with me because I’m clear I have a follow-up system in place that is converting. Therefore, I collect business cards and I demonstrate to Realtors how they too can set up a follow-up system that converts and keep them first in mind.

Marki Lemons Ryhal has more than 25 years of experience in the marketing space. She has nine real estate-related licenses and 23 earned designations and certifications to train over 50,000 Realtors.