
New website builder AgentImpress deserves your attention

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe.

AgentImpress is a website and listing page builder for real estate agents.

Platform(s): Browser-agnostic; sites fully responsive
Ideal for: Individual agents, teams and brokerages looking for a self-managed, affordable website solution.

Top selling points

  • Emphasis on agents’ listings
  • Sharp backend setup and management tools
  • Visual design and professionalism of sites and pages

Things to consider

AgentImpress smartly puts an emphasis on listing photos. Make sure yours are up to par when building pages and sites with this system.

Full review

Well, let’s add another DIY website solution to the mix.

That was my reaction upon being contacted about Yes, always the skeptic.

However, I think that’s part of my job.

I want technology companies to show me why their solution to a problem is better than the others.

That’s what this one succeeded in doing.

AgentImpress sites look better than most in the market, even though they utilize a familiar, full-screen look and feel with scroll navigation. It’s tight and looks custom.

Because it is custom.

The CMS (content management system) and its ongoing selection of templates are coded from scratch in the office by one of its owners. It’s not based on WordPress or a similar platform.

Along with that unique differentiation, the product further stands out because of its visual and backend simplicity.

It gives buyers what they want first and foremost from a listing agent: pictures and prices. It also makes that easy for agents to provide.

Site construction consists of a few agent information fields, image uploading and then property data input.

When building a listing page, you can drag entire folders of images into the dashboard instead of sorting through them individually, which allows the site to double as a listing image library.

I want technology companies to show me why their solution to a problem is better than the others.

Your feature sheet parameters and property characteristics can be added and removed like tags. Users can create a default list of home features or add them as needed.

AgentImpress does something cool with listing pictures.

In addition to the general gallery, images are randomized throughout the page, so a living room shot may appear above the map, or the backyard pergola will float over the automatically inserted school information panel. This adds to the originality.

AgentImpress integrates Google Streetview with Yelp data on restaurants and shops and the like so buyers have a comprehensive look at what’s in the neighborhood.

Listings can also be set to “Coming Soon” status for early momentum building.

There’s a cool open house scheduling tool that will drop a prominent promotional banner on the appropriate listing. It’s a nice touch.

Agents can quickly brand site color, upload logos and even create a Zopim account to have live chat capabilities. The company is working on other such partnerships to add to site functionality.

Overall, the site management tools are the easiest I’ve seen, and the built-in traffic metrics are ideal for busy agents who don’t have time to dive into pages of Google charts. You get site visits and listing shares via network — that’s plenty of data to measure your online activity.

I’ll admit, I’m bullish on It was built to make website development simple, and listing promotion effective. At $48 per month and a 30-day trial, this is well worth a look for those needing a site refresh.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.