
Rams’ return home is a LA real estate opportunity

B Calkins /

The Rams are coming home.

Sports enthusiasts know the history: The St. Louis Rams started as the LA Rams. They moved to St. Louis in the ’90s during a local recession, but late last year, the team announced its return to Los Angeles.

Does this relate to real estate? Of course it does.

The sudden influx of clients are looking for living arrangements. Football players, families/friends, coaches, assistant coaches, sports agents, managers and staff are in the process of finding a place to stay. This is a great opportunity for real estate agents to take action.

Since the season won’t start until September, first impressions are critical. The team prefers to live near the training camp, and since no one knows where that is, you can begin with the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum area. Another place to highlight is the future stadium area in Inglewood.

Popular places for athletes such as Manhattan Beach, Hermosa and Calabasas are also good places to start. Still, keep your ears peeled for the exact location, as many team members are highly likely to move there.

As you encounter the Rams, you’ll meet the following people.

Listen to their needs, concerns, and specifications. React accordingly. Remember to put their needs first and show flexibility if demand changes.

Buyers who previously lived in LA

They know the city well. The interest to buy is there, and they plan to make this their home long-term.  Realtors can make suggestions and guide them toward the dream home.

Renters who previously lived in LA

Although they know the area, these people are unsure about buying. Realtors can assist with the rental search showcasing the best neighborhoods and rental areas.

Renters who never been to LA

These people are unfamiliar with L.A. Therefore, they won’t commit to anything.  They want to explore the area to find the right fit for their family.  They need realtors to find good rental housing in the area.

Buyers who never been to LA

This is a trust exercise between the realtor and the client.  Advise Ram members to trust you.  Finding the best neighborhood based on their recommendations is on your shoulders.  Be honest yet positive about the home and neighborhood.

The main ideas are to build a relationship with the client, keep the lines of communication open and build trust now so they can strike a deal later. In addition, many players have short-term contracts – around three years – and staying there long-term isn’t on everyone’s minds.

A football team might not concern realtors, but realtors must seek opportunity where they can find it. Opportunity is around you, so listen to the news and be creative.

Tonya Jones is a writer who specializes in real estate. She has written various content for Textbroker, My SEO Articles and Blogmutt.