
QuantumDigital’s AutoMail Plus puts the tech in postcard campaigns

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe.

AutoMail automates direct mail campaigns and online lead tracking for real estate agents.

Platform(s): Browser-based; agnostic
Ideal for: Any agent or team looking to enhance direct mail campaigns or gain new leads from a specific neighborhood

Top selling points

  1. Automated
  2. Connected landing pages for each card
  3. New lead alerts

Things to consider

While this would be a terrific tool for a new agent, it’s probably best leveraged as an additional cog in your marketing machine.

Full review

I believe in direct mail. Always have.

The message needs to be right and it needs to be consistent.

I worked for years for an investment property firm that owns a major marketing service agreement’s (MSA) owner-operator multifamily market with just direct mail. The owner’s been sending it for 25 years.

[Inman Slideshow]

QuantumDigital’s AutoMail Plus enables users to schedule a year’s worth of monthly postcards. Each card is printed with a URL to an associated landing page consisting of a market report.

The website is branded, looks good and has the right information and calls to action. There’s also a home value estimator. I caution agents to double check its veracity.

There’s great business value in paying for things that may not fall under your core competency.

Clicks to the site are sent to you as warm leads; any contact form completed is considered a hot lead.

Postcard templates are limited — the “sales tips” theme is probably best. You can switch them around during the campaign or choose to take a month or two off. You shouldn’t though.

QuantumDigital is in the mail business, so is has plenty of lists for you to buy included in the cost. You can use your own or combine them.

If you happen to miss some duplicates, or the company’s list has some of your list, QuantumDigital will take care of eliminating them before mailing.

An easy outsource

From a marketing perspective, this is basic stuff. The key advantage here is that you can launch a sophisticated, effective direct mail campaign with little effort or ongoing management.

Software, all forms of technology really, are meant to make something we do easier.

There’s nothing AutoMail Plus does that you couldn’t do yourself.

However, you would have to create and arrange the mailing, batten down your list, build an appropriate landing page and have the tracking mechanisms in place.

In summary, there’s great business value in paying for things that may not fall under your core competency. This is why there are 2,000 Jiffy Lubes across the country.

There are also a ton of solid direct mail houses. I’m sure a few of them can do what AutoMail Plus is doing as well. So, shop around.

However, I like what I see in its sleek connection between print and digital. The lead alerts prove your mail is working, and you always know your brand is being put in front of the market.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.