
Ari Meisel will share how to get from idea to execution faster

In 2006, Ari Meisel was in the midst of a booming real estate career when he was derailed by some unexpected news: Crohn’s disease, a highly debilitating digestive ailment.

Crohn’s barred Ari from leading a normal life. He lost weight, energy and the ability to work with regularity — in fact, there were times he could only work for sixty minutes a day. With a burgeoning business to run, Ari knew an hour per day was unacceptable.

Through trial and error, Meisel embarked on a journey to regain control of his life and beat an unbeatable disease.

Today, he is symptom-free and has authored the book Less Doing, More Living and co-founded Less Doing, which provides virtual project management services, assisting individuals and business with everything from scheduling to errand-running to customer management.

Meisel will be speaking at Inman Connect New York, January 16 through 20.

During his keynote session, “Idea to Execution in 1/10th of the Time,” the efficiency expert will share his secrets for optimizing workflows using apps and tools, the importance of wellness and technological approaches to reach your goals in a fraction of the time.

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The theme of the Inman Connect New York conference is “Execution: Turning Vision into Results.”

For Meisel, “the key to turning vision in to results is figuring out the fastest, cheapest way to validate your idea and move forward.”

And although many may have a hard time letting go of their vision to see it flourish, Meisel said delegation and outsourcing is essential to being more effective so you can do what you do best.

If you are a rockstar at sales, focus on sales and let someone else handle your marketing and paperwork.

If your strengths are in contract negotiations, focus on that.

In addition to focusing on what you do best, Mesiel offers practical advice for keeping up on everything from appointments to email, even recommending getting rid of to-do lists and instead having a mental place for everything.

“My calendar and my to-do list are what keep me sane because I know I’m not missing anything,” he said.

Learn more about how you can be more efficient and execute on your goals in a fraction of the time.

Don’t miss Ari Meisel at Inman Connect New York for this inspirational and practical session.

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