
The week in real estate industry deals: December 19-23

Yuganov Konstantin /

While real estate agents chase leads and close deals on houses, there’s another level of deal-making that takes place within the real estate industry: mergers, acquisitions, integrations and partnerships.

We’ll be recapping every week’s noteworthy deals that didn’t make it into print (and some that did) for your perusal.

This week’s deals

December 22, a traditional and auction real estate firm, announced a new real estate program catering to the for sale by owner (FSBO) market.”For Sale by Owners take a very hands on approach when it comes to selling their property,” said Wade Micoley, president and CEO, in a statement. “We take that one step further by working in parallel with them to not only market their property but also to educate them throughout the entire process on what can be done to get their property sold at their desired price, in any market. Some sellers will elect to go to a full service agreement and we have setup relationships with local brokers to assist the sellers desiring that format.”