
You’re a brand new real estate agent — now what?

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As a new agent, should you farm a geographic area or wing it?

Well, with farming, immediate expenses come into play. You can use Facebook and other digital targeting tools, but postcards still rule in this strategy. If you’re a new agent and you want to kill it in a specific geographic area, you have to mail it to death.

Here’s another approach, which is what I did. Don’t be geo-specific and rather be demographically specific. This involves connecting with the people you know, kind of know, and friends of friends.

No matter how distant the relationship, it’s still easier to turn tepid leads into deals than a cold lead into a deal.

Learn more in this Real Estate Magic Minute video.

Former hit record producer turned real estate mogul Peter Lorimer, a Brit, has been a a consistent and significant top producer in the Beverly and Hollywood Hills property arena for over a decade, serving the more creatively minded residents. Peter is the owner of uber trendy PLG Estates.

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