
Saving time for hobbies can boost your career

Alena Kazlouskaya /

Are you happy? Do you feel inspired?

Investing in your creativity is a great way to boost your mood and your productivity. The American Institute of Stress recommends making time for hobbies to reduce stress and fatigue; hobbies like painting, gardening and cooking can help busy professionals relieve themselves of stress and increase happiness.

Here are three ways to pump some design and creative inspiration into your life.

1. Paint your office or style your desk

Your workspace should be full of colors that make you happy. Injecting your favorite hues will motivate and stimulate your being. Keep it simple by painting a statement wall, grabbing new colorful desk accessories and hanging bright window treatments.

If motivational quotes speak to you, filled a dedicated wall with your favorite words to keep your fires burning while you work.

Business boost: Visit a site like and design your own custom note cards for clients. Their templates make it easy, and your creativity will create a unique thank you that your clients will love!

2. Grow a plant

Do you enjoy plants but have a black thumb? Forcing bulbs is practically effortless. Grab some paperwhites and follow these simple steps:

    1. Collect mason jars or vases from the dollar store that appeal to you
    2. Pick up a bag of natural stones (small to medium sized)
    3. Pick up a bag of paperwhite bulbs
    4. Put one layer of stones in the vase
    5. Add bulbs
    6. Add another layer of stones to steady the bulbs
    7. Fill with water until the waterline is even with the bottom of the bulb
    8. Place near a sunny window

Boom! You are now an official gardening guru!

Live in a warmer climate? Try air plants or building a succulent dish to keep near your workspace.

Did you know that these hardy plants can improve your indoor environment?

Business boost: Purchase enough materials for several arrangements. Forced bulbs make great closing/thank you gifts for clients. Make sure to hole punch your business card and tie it with a little twine or ribbon to dress up your vase. Go a step further by creating some custom tags.

Bake bread

Traditional bread can be challenging for novice cooks, but quick breakfast loaves are a piece of cake. The experience of mixing and the aroma of cinnamon are both pleasant. Make this a weekend task, and take it slow. This recipe is easy and affordable.

Business boost: Make up a few extra mixes, and pour them into mason jars. Pass them out during open houses, or gift them to your sellers after their first showing. Clients can bake them before a dinner party or other special occasion so their house smells delish. Pair it with a nice thank you note, and express how thankful you are for their business or working relationship.

Professionals who make time to create balance will avoid burnout and improve the overall experience for their clients. Make sure to time-block hobbies so 2017 stays fun and fresh!

What are your favorite ways to stay inspired? Comment below!

By day, Rachael Hite helps agents develop their business. By night, she’s tweeting and blogging for