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Creating steady real estate income in a cyclical business

Real estate agents know the real estate market is seasonal. The market gets hot or slows down at different times of the year. The ability to weather these highs and lows is essential for real estate professionals who want to thrive.

In addition to focusing on lead generation and connecting with the clients most likely to refer you business, it’s critical to tap into the natural rhythm of the market.

To achieve success, the pros work like athletes. In his book, “The Power of Full Engagement,” Tony Schwartz studied how the most successful athletes and businesspeople work and found that those who built rest into their work performed at higher levels thanks to better energy and time management.

Working on a rest-run cycle that mirrors the real estate market’s natural cycle and rhythm allows real estate agents to work smarter and optimize their chief resources: time, money and energy. By working cyclically, you can achieve more in less time and make more money with less effort.

Rest is on the minds of many agents at this time of year. After working hard all summer closing deals and generating leads, agents who don’t follow the rest-run cycle may be feeling burned out. However, the fall and the upcoming holiday season are the perfect time to get face-to-face with clients, especially those you haven’t worked with this year.

When you work relationally, your leads come as referrals from your past clients and network. What better way to remind your clients to refer you than to write a note thanking them for their business or popping by their home or office to deliver a small, thoughtful gift? Your clients will be surprised and thankful, and you’ll have the opportunity to remind them of the great services you offer.

Intensely focusing on lead-generation and client relationships in key seasons maximizes your greatest asset – YOU – and will lead to a consistent income despite the cyclical nature of the business. Not a bad way to work!

Learn more about how to tap into your inner sprinter and lean into the seasonality of the real estate business with Buffini & Company’s Blitz , a program that helps agents harness their productivity and reduce burnout. Each short, 45- to 75-day sprint is followed by a period of rest. For two decades, Buffini & Company has helped entrepreneurs around the world improve their business, increase net profit and enhance their quality of life.