
How to control problem agents before they wreck your brokerage

Out-of-control real estate agents come in many forms, but every brokerage has to contend with them at some point.

Reminiscent of The Breakfast Club’s basket case, brains and princess, there’s the Hot Mess — the agent who isn’t organized and fails to communicate. Then you have the Know-It-All who has all the answers but for whatever reason just can’t close a sale. And meanwhile the Diva of the office is hogging all the resources.

“If you have 30 agents, you have 30 out-of-control agents,” said Climb Real Estate’s Eugene Pak at Inman’s Indie Broker Summit, inciting laughter from the audience.

Watch his full talk to learn how to help each and every one of your agents reach their highest potential, and turn their unique personality and quirks into strengths.

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