
3 ways to build business and recharge over the holidays

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Some real estate agents make the mistake of thinking they can’t work during the holiday. They think that people don’t want to be bothered or that working will interfere with taking some much-needed time off.

That’s simply not true. Here are three things you can do that your clients and sphere will love — all while recharging and getting the rest you deserve.

Sharpen the saw

If you’ve read Dr. Stephen Covey’s, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, you know that sharpening the saw refers to preserving and enhancing yourself physically (eating or resting), socially (making meaningful connections), mentally (learning and reading) and spiritually (being with nature, music, people or quiet).

Let’s say you decide to sharpen the saw mentally by reading or watching videos that help you improve your real estate business. This is something you can do leisurely as you rest over the holiday, while still working on your business.

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Make calls

As you read above, sharpening the saw also includes making meaningful connections.

Picture yourself lounging in the comfort of your home, with a warm cup of your favorite winter beverage, as you make the easiest call of the year — sending warm greetings and catching up with your clients and sphere of influence.

Connect online

This is another leisurely way to work your business while you rest and make meaningful connections.

Simply take your database list of clients and sphere, search each person on Facebook, and do the following:

As you can see, it is possible to rest during the holiday while you “work.” The truth is, connecting with people, feeding your brain and sharpening the saw in the other above listed ways, will nourish you and contribute to a restful holiday.

The side effect is you’ll be working your business — but it’ll hardly feel like work.

Italina Kirknis is the real estate community’s online presence expert and speaker. You can connect with her on LinkedIn or friend her on Facebook.