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5 tips to turn every listing presentation into a definite ‘yes’

How many times have you walked out of a listing presentation empty-handed, feeling dejected and wondering what you could have done differently?

Here’s the painful truth: too many agents blow it once they get to the listing appointment. And after all the time, money and resources spent on getting in the door, the last thing you want to do is lose the listing to another agent.

In this article, I outline five tips our coaching members use to turn every listing presentation into a definite yes.

I’m also giving with you a bundle that includes the best real estate script for booking appointments, a 19-point marketing plan and cheat sheet for nine ways to win every listing. It also includes a complimentary session with one of my coaching consultants. Click here to get the bundle.

Know your customer

We’re in the information age. Going into an appointment without conducting some research about who you’re meeting is simply irresponsible.

Check your prospects out on social media (no, you’re not a stalker for doing this) to understand who they are. Look for commonalities that will help you build immediate rapport.

The second part of knowing your customer is prequalifying them before the appointment. Make sure you know all the “who, what, why, when, how” of their impending move before you arrive at the appointment.

Do your market homework

Just as you research your prospects, you need to go into your listing presentation with a thorough knowledge of their market. I’m not just talking about comps, either. I’m talking about details — what makes the neighborhood unique, the in-depth features of recent sales, etc.

Your mindset always matters

Before your appointment, visualize speaking with the seller and envision your desired outcome.

Set your mindset to knowing you are the obvious “yes,” but don’t be overconfident. Practice until you can make it easy, elegant and beautiful.

Finally, never be late!

Start with a story to create immediate interest

Okay, this is a big one. Most agents begin their presentation by “presenting” a bunch of stats, awards, graphs and booklets along with whatever else they’ve stuffed into their listing binder.

Don’t do this!

Start with a story instead. Capture the homeowner’s interest. Engage them.

Here’s an example: “I’ve been on 62 of these appointments in the last 12 months, and 58 people have chosen to work with me. After every meeting, I’ll sit in my car and debrief, taking notes about all the questions they had and ask myself how can I make this easy on homeowners. After all these meetings, I’ve discovered there are only five things that were important to every client I’ve met with. Would you like to go through the five?”

(Would you like to know those five? Click here.)

Show what you’ve done

What’s more reassuring — hearing what someone promises to do, or seeing what they’ve already proven they can do? Clearly the latter, so why make promises about what you’ll do for a homeowner when you can show them what you’ve done instead?

I want you to reverse-engineer a recent sale and walk the seller backward through your process. Start with the result: “I sold 123 Banana St. for 3 percent over asking price in 19 days on the market.”

Then break down how you singled out that buyer:

Never walk out of a listing presentation without a signed contract!

Prepare yourself to the max by getting even more listing presentation advice, including my proven “3 Price Strategy” and my universal prequalifier dialogue, by downloading our free Listing Presentation bundle.

Who’s guiding your business and holding you accountable to help you fulfill your vast potential? Our coaching members earn an average of $395,000 in annual gross commission income utilizing strategies like this direct from their coach. Request a complimentary consultation to discover what coaching can do for you.