
Inman Connect New York: Data Connect Video Recap

Watch all of Inman Connect New York 2018’s Data Connect sessions in one place, and learn from such great discussions as ‘Why is Creating a National MLS so Difficult? And why it is a bad idea, why defending the status quo is the best strategy’, ‘How MLS Organizations Might Run Afoul of Federal Regulators’ and ‘How I Think About My Data as a Broker-Owner’.


Why is Creating a National MLS so Difficult? And why it is a bad idea, why defending the status quo is the best strategy
Joel Singer, John Mosey

Business Advantages of MLS Innovations
Jim Harrison, John Heithaus


Integrating Big Data/AI into MLS
Mark Schacknies, Sam Scott

How MLS Organizations Might Run Afoul of Federal Regulators
Daniel Castro


Net Neutrality: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Melanie Wyne, Nela Richardson

The Race is On
Amy Gorce, Bess Freedman


Live Problem Solving
Chris Bennett, Greg Robertson

How I Think About My Data as a Broker-Owner
Joe Rand


It’s 2025 and There is no MLS. What Does the World Look Like?
Rob Hahn

My MLS Merger: Did it Really Go as Planned?
Tom Phillips, AnneMarie Decatsye