
Meet the Inman Ambassadors: Amy Cesario

The Inman community is made up of the best and brightest in real estate. And connecting this diverse, enthusiastic group of real estate professionals is an important part of our mission.

Inman Ambassadors are members of the Inman community who volunteer at each event to make introductions, help new attendees find their way and bring the spirit of connection alive. They connect the dots between the online and the offline, facilitate learning, and are a key part of making all the networking opportunities so successful.

We’re profiling each of the Inman Ambassadors so you can get to know them before the event.

Amy Cesario is a Realtor with Slifer, Smith & Frampton in Denver, so she’s firmly entrenched in a city that’s experienced a lot of highs and lows over the past few years. And her past experience with Inman Connect events gives her insight into how new and veteran attendees can extract the utmost from the experience.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started the business?

How to use a CRM. Did anyone know how to use one 19 years ago?

How has Inman Connect impacted your business?

It’s brought my online friends face to face and helped our friendships flourish, which has lead to encouragement and accountability check-ins — long term and big picture goals, not weekly or monthly coaching. And a few referrals!

Who has been the most memorable/impactful speaker(s) you’ve seen at Connect and why?

Katie Clancy last summer. Everything she said on stage resonated with me. She is relatable, she is smart, kind; I met her a few months later and felt like she was the same person on stage as she was having a one-on-one conversation.

What do you think will be the biggest change in real estate in the next year?

Helping people understand that moving into a balanced market doesn’t mean the sky is falling.

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Discover the opportunities in a changing market at Inman Connect New York, January 29 – February 1. Jumpstart 2019 with tactical takeaways, unlimited networking and thought-provoking speakers. Learn more.

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