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Agent tool fatigue is real. And it’s our fault.

Can you spot any of the following symptoms in your agent community?

If so, you’re likely dealing with an epidemic of “tech tool fatigue syndrome”or simply “tool fatigue.” Caused by the big push for digital transformation, tool fatigue is a debilitating plague that’s spreading across the country, costing brokerages money, productivity, and agents.

Digital transformation of the brokerage agent experience is a must today. But often that transformation becomes a focus on adding the hottest, new technology for the pure sake of innovation instead of using innovation to solve key business problems, such as retaining agents with a streamlined marketing experience. Agents are left with too many tech options and not enough guidance.

As you consider the role of technology in your brokerage, here are five ways to cure or prevent tool fatigue within your agent community:

All this being said, don’t give up on digital transformation! By following the key points above, you can transform the way your brokerage embraces technology and solve key business problems without alienating your agent community.