
New Inman InStudio interviews put innovators in the hot seat

The Inman audience is a discriminating one. They want to know more, dig deeper, and understand exactly how a solution, tool, or service will help them grow their real estate business.

With the new Inman InStudio topics, they’ll have that opportunity and hear straight from the experts. Vendors and solution owners will sit down with Inman to talk specifics about the pressing issues facing real estate agents today — from the big picture to day to day operations — and explore exactly how they mean to help solve them.

These topics are taken from the audience directly. The Inman team will take the lead based on what editorial articles are performing strongly and partner with a different company for a candid discussion on each.

“Our partners told us they wanted more opportunities to engage personally, and to put a face to their brand in a less formal way than digital ads or dedicated emails,” said Inman CRO Emily Paquette. “The new Inman InStudio interview will be a powerful way to open that channel with the audience. We’re excited to see it launch.”

Topics will include tools for teams, memorable marketing campaigns, luxury buyers trends, and more. And while the interview will include a preparatory conversation with the moderator, it will be recorded live and broadcast on the Inman Facebook page, plus distributed on social channels.

Watch for Inman InStudio’s next release. In the meantime, let us know the topics you’d like to see covered and partners you’d like to see in the hot seat! And if you want your own shot at the Inman In-Studio interview, let us know.