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Want to ensure success shows up? Look for these 4 things.

AWIP (pronounced A-WIP)

A Work In Progress. Aren’t we all? Well, those of us who want to achieve at high levels are, and I’ve learned over the years that we’re actually a small community. Most people will tell you they want to be great and achieve at high levels, but as my mentor told me on many occasions, “I can’t hear you through your behavior!” AWIPs are willing to move in the direction of their dreams regardless of their circumstances, in search of that ever-elusive end goal and moving target we call “success.”

So how do we ensure success shows up?

Success in any role requires a goal, a plan, action, and evaluation. That’s what we believe at RE/MAX. For those requirements to be supported, you should look for the following four things on your path to success:

  1. Leadership
  2. System
  3. Culture
  4. Coaching

Let’s look at these individually:

  1. Leadership: Good leaders manage the process, set goals and get results. Great leaders inspire. They encourage their people to become better versions of themselves and stretch their goals to limits previously thought impossible; they also challenge unproductive behavior to ensure everyone reaches their maximum potential. Look at any of the top football teams playing on a Sunday and you will find this type of behavior from the leader. Ralph Waldo Emerson noted, “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” Great leaders understand that and proceed accordingly.
  2. System: A system is a recipe. It answers the question, What is the best way to do this? A system provides structure and a plan. Most importantly, it yields consistent results. Building a system requires assembling step-by-step instructions, and that takes a lot of time, energy and effort, which is why many real estate agents shy away from even starting. Be willing to put in the extra effort to commit to a system that is proven and turnkey, and you’ll be a step closer to finding success.
  3. Culture: Culture isn’t donuts, a ping-pong table or scooters buzzing through the hallways. Culture is how we treat, trust, and talk to each other. The best cultures place a strong emphasis on urgency, measurement, high-performance and getting things done. In an industry where the earning potential is life-changing and limitless, you should aggressively seek out this type of culture. Is it possible you’re a great agent but you’re in an average (or worse) environment?
  4. Coaching: Coaches come in many forms: cheerleader, drill sergeant, guide, adviser or even sounding board. The best coaches help you progress from knowing to doing and motivate you to marry intention with action. The gap between knowing and doing can be a dark, scary, confusing place, so if you’re looking to create and cultivate success habits, find a coach that will hold you accountable and guide you through the darkness and into the light.

To my fellow AWIPs out there, I’ll leave you with this: The path to success can be a tough and tricky one. It is filled with obstacles, adversity, fear, and frustration, and you will likely stumble, endure pain and experience failure. But if you can keep moving forward, find an environment that inspires you to take action, adopt a system that empowers you to perform in the storm and join a culture that embraces accountability, success will show up.