
Got 10 minutes? Create your 2020 prospecting plan

Photo by David Menidrey and Nicolas Picard on Unsplash

While most people think of goblins and ghouls as October approaches, I advise agents to prepare for the new year.

You’re probably wondering, “Why so early?”

Because it’s not realistic to think that the time we normally spend with family and friends over the holiday season can just magically be redirected to an all-out, no-holds-barred focus on business.

O.G. agents know neglecting family and friends, as well as downtime, can lead to burnout, breakdowns, blow-ups and flaring resentments.

That’s just drama waiting to happen, I’m sure you’d rather avoid it.

So, that means October (September, if you can really get ahead of the curve!) is the time to get ready for a productive new year.

To get ahead of the holidays and start trick-or-treating #adultstyle, listen in to my 2020 prospect planning video above. You can complete the whole thing in 10 minutes, if you download the worksheet below.

Lee Davenport is a licensed real estate broker, trainer and coach. Follow her on  Facebook,  InstagramYouTube and Google+, or visit her website. This post comes from her book, Profit with Your Personality.