
Use this one-two punch of marketing to reach agents and brokers

Photo by Natalie Runnerstrom on Unsplash

It’s the classic combo from the boxing ring: the sharp shock of the jab punch followed by the full power and impact of the cross. Of course, the goal of a jab/cross combo is to wear down and knock out your boxing opponent. In marketing, the goal is a bit less violent.

With marketing, the objective is to create Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. And your company wants to reach a specific segment of our audience of real estate professionals with a message about your solution, service, or product.

Just like the jab/cross combo, the branding/content combo is the powerful one-two punch that creates knockout campaigns to engage attention, create interest, and spark action from your prospective audience of agents, brokers, and owners.

START WITH YOUR JAB: Be top of mind with your audience through highly visible, strategically-placed branding in key channels:

NOW THROW YOUR CROSS: Create compelling content that tells your story, educates the community, and positions your brand as a trusted authority:

Talk to the Inman Partnership Team about the right mix of jabs and crosses that will deliver a knockout campaign in 2021!