
Announcing Inman’s new Referral Rewards program. Bigger trial, faster reward

We’re excited to announce Inman’s new Referral Rewards program. For the first time ever, Select members can share a 90-day free trial and get up to $200 in credit!

Select members earn $20 in credit for every friend and colleague who redeems a 90-day free trial. Select members can refer up to 10 people and receive $200 in credit — that’s a free year of Inman Select — all while sharing the love of a 90-day free trial with unlimited access to

To get started: Select members can find their unique link on the Referral Rewards page in Account Settings. Click here to go to your account settings page.

Whether it’s shared far and wide on social, circulated through the office, revealed in private groups or emailed to friends in the industry, this new program is a win-win. Select members will enjoy $20 for each redemption and referrees will get a 90-day free trial of Inman Select.

Don’t wait. Now’s the time to secure $200 in savings by sharing the value of a 90-day free trial.

Click here to get started!

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