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Real estate blogs: Why they’re important and what you should post

Blogs, short for “weblogs,” have been around since the early ’90s. They were originally used as a personal webpage where the author logged their thoughts on life. Today, these sites have evolved into information hubs, where people go to learn, get tips, and find valuable industry information. As a result, blogs are integral to any business marketing plan.

Why your business needs a blog

Blogs are a great way to gain new clients, stay top-of-mind with current customers, and maintain relationships with those you’ve worked with in the past.

They help with search engine optimization (SEO), placing your business at the top of search result pages for answers to questions your clients are asking online. This helps you get more visibility and organic (free) traffic.

A good blog also supplies your website with fresh content that builds trust, brand loyalty, and credibility. It should provide a mix of answers, entertainment, and tips that keep readers coming back for more.

What to post on your blog

To create the right type of content for your real estate blog, the first step is to figure out who you want to reach and what information they need. Remember, it’s not about you – it’s about your readers.

Your clients – past, present, and future – are your audience. What are their goals? What problems can you solve for them with information and stories on your blog?

It’s okay to have more than one audience. But remember to provide equal amounts of relevant information for every group and organize your posts into different categories so readers can easily find what they’re looking for. An example of categorizing: Home Buying, Home Selling, Home Ownership and so on.

While the specific topics will depend on your services, audience, and location, there are two types of posts that are especially successful on real estate blogs: how-to’s and local information.

How-to posts

Buying or selling a home can be a confusing and frustrating process. The easier you make it for clients, the better their experience will be.

By providing useful how-to information through your blog posts, you won’t just show off your industry expertise, you’ll also show the caring, supportive side of your business. You’ll demonstrate that you are there to make the experience as simple and easy as possible for your clients.

Here are a few examples of “How-To” posts:

Local insider information

Providing insider information about the areas you serve helps establish you as an on-the-ground expert: someone who doesn’t just have intimate knowledge of the homes they’re selling, but the areas they’re in too. That’s an agent who goes above and beyond.

When thinking about local content, use these examples as a starting point:

Where to share your blog content

Once you have the content for your blog, don’t just wait for clients to stumble upon it. Add it to your other marketing efforts. Share it through an email newsletter, and post it to your social media accounts. Direct clients to your blog to learn more about a topic specific to their situation. Use posts everywhere you can to increase their value and build up client trust and loyalty.